More windows and doors were installed today. There are just a couple of windows left to install. The guys worked again on the insulation. They got alot of it done today, but still have some to do. A couple of other guys worked on the exterior hardiboard siding. It really looks good. Sheetrock arrived today. There are stacks everywhere! Can't wait till that part begins. The interior will really take form then. Things are moving right along!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
More Windows....
More windows were installed today, as well as the greatroom french doors. It is going to look so beautiful. The guys worked hard today installing some of the insulation. The framers worked on the dining room vaulted ceiling framing and now it is symmetrical! What a relief. Some of the back porch ceiling hardiboard was installed today. Lots of "little" things were done today. Things are moving right along...adjustments are being made and the house is looking more like a house every day!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Some Windows Installed...
They started installing some of the windows today. They got quite a few installed. I can't wait to see the "eyebrow" window in the greatroom! The air conditioner duct guys were here today to start their duct work. The cabinet builder was here to measure and talk to us to finalize our cabinet needs. Lots of activity out here today and even more decision making!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Windows Arrived....
We shopped for furniture all day today. Boy...that's a tough job dragging Michael store to store, but he hung in there! Our windows arrived today. Hopefully, they will start installing those next week. The electrician and crew completed more of their work, but still have a bit to do. We are still making daily decisions on several issues. I think we finally found an answer for our vaulted dining room which has been driving me crazy because a bad mistake was made in there, which left the vault "off" from the center of the windows/room. They are going to re-do a few things in there to line up the vault correctly. That doesn't give us our shorted 6 inches of dining room length back, but it surely does correct a highly visible and annoying alignment issue that I won't have to stress over the rest of my "organized/anal" life!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
More Electrical...
Looks like the electrician and crew was here again today to get more of their work done. Wires are hanging everywhere...looks like they got alot done today. Also, the fireplace was installed today. We can't wait to have a fireplace again! The framers continue to work on exterior hardi board trim and such. Things are moving right along. I caught our cat, "Purrcy", walking "the cat walk" this afternoon. I guess she's checking things out. The dogs check things out every afternoon when we let them out of the kennel when the guys leave. They have the same routine...first, they head to the table to see what the guys had for lunch and if they dropped anything, then they "mark their territory" on the port-a-potty, they walk around the house and check things out, then they head straight to the lake, swim, and sit in the water for a while. When they get their swimming done, then they chase squirrels for the rest of the evening. What a life! They will certainly enjoy all of the porches when we move over there. All of our babies will want to be right next to us!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Rough Electricial Begins...
Wow...quite a thunderstorm Tuesday afternoon. Thank you God for the rain! We needed it so bad. It surely let us see how badly we will need the gutters they will be installing on the house. A great deal of water got in the house thru the window/door openings. There has been quite a bit of standing water in the house now for over 24 hours. I sure hope that it doesn't damage the subfloor in any way. The standing water just can't be good for it? The electrician came today and talked to Michael about our electrical needs. Michael and I had already gone over the plans room by room and decided what we needed, so he was able to give the electrician a room by room list. Electical work has started....looks like they will need to work a couple of days or so to get the rough electrical work done.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Plumbers Here Again....
The guys worked on getting tar paper on the roof today. Still a bit left to do, but they got alot done. Plumbers were back today to get more of their work done. The metal roofing company came out Saturday to measure for the metal roof, so now that's on order. Things are progressing here and there. Lots of little detail work happening this week. Hopefully, the rain we have forcasted won't slow things down, but if so....that's ok...let it rain, let it rain, let it rain! It is so dusty and sandy out here. The sand just blows right by and sandblasts you when the wind blows. We not only have a lake house....we have a sandy beach house!
Friday, June 17, 2011
We Have a Chimney!...
Wow....we have a chimney! There was no way we could build a house without a fireplace...we love fireplaces! Looks like framing is almost complete...just a few little things to finish out. Our correct guest bath tub is now here. We also got a delivery of Hardi board siding today. They should start that next week. The metal roofing company is suppose to come tomorrow to measure for the roof. Alot will be going on at one time from here on out...busy, busy, exciting!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Delivery From Lowe's....
Yea!.. Even though the house isn't dried in yet, we got our first delivery from Lowe's with some of our french doors, lights, ceiling fans, etc. It was exciting to see some of the things arrive that we have picked out. It just makes this "dream" seem more real! It was pretty difficulty trying to imagine what things will go together and match each other while we shopped store to store. Hopefully, it will all fit into place. If not....Michael is awesome and can change anything out at a later date that just doesn't "fit" with the house. There were a couple of mistakes that were delivered such as the guest bathtub was a "left" hole, when we needed a "right", so back on the truck it went. And the screened door we picked out was a white vinyl with a medium doggie door...what was delivered was a wooden door with an extra-large doggie door. We will get it all straight...I'm sure there will be more issues, but they will be worked out.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Dry In Continues...
The crew continues to dry in the house to get ready for the metal roof and siding which may start next week. The contractor sent us a calendar with a tentative schedule of what should be happening over the next few weeks. That was very helpful to see the process and what to expect. Things should get very busy out here over the next couple of weeks. Michael talked to the builder about our closets today. He will be drawing something up and letting me see what they plan before they that's good! There are still dining room issues we are unhappy about. Since they shorted us 6" in the dining room, things aren't lining up visually. I am a very "organized and symmetrical person" and when things are visually "off", it drives me bonkers! The vaulted ceiling peak in the dining room is not lining up with the central window, so it all looks "off". I guess I expected when we invested so much money in a nice house, that things would be "right". Same with the posts on the back covered porch. They are not spaced evenly...well,... all are spaced evenly, but one area...and that is driving me bonkers, also! As my wise daughter quotes..."it is what it is"! (but it can still drive ya crazy)...other than a few issues here and there...things are progressing nicely.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Continue to "Dry In"...
Framers continue to dry the house in with OSB. They are also constucting the barge rafters around the house. Michael met with the contractor today to discuss a few things. The builder will be here tomorrow to meet with Michael and discuss our master bedroom closets...hey...shouldn't they be discussing that when I'm present?...A woman's closet is of utmost importance!!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Dry It In....
The guys worked today to get the house "dried in". That should continue for several days. Michael bought the attic stairs today so the guys can install them when they are ready. It was 102 degrees out here today. At least things aren't behind schedule due to rain....but boy....could we use the rain! If the lake level keeps dropping, our house may not be "lake front" anymore!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Detail Framing Continues...
The framers continue to work on detail framing. They framed in for the greatroom wall of windows today. We will have such a beautiful view of the lake with all the windows. They are continuing to "dry in" the house with OSB. It really helps show the detailed shape of the house. Michael and I shopped today for attic stairs as well as tile that will go on the porch. I think that all we have left to pick out are the bathroom towel bars, etc. We have pretty much picked out everything else. Everything is looking great!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Detail Framing....
Framers continue their magic, arranging wood in all shapes and sizes to form a wonderful house. They started framing for the fireplace today. They framed the bump-out window which will be in front of my clawfoot tub. They started the "stoop" for the side entrance of the house. They framed more of the greatroom vaulted ceiling and the master bedroom porch. We are certainly going to enjoy all of the back porches/decks facing the lake. We love watching the wildlife and the everchanging view of the lake. Life is good and we plan to spend many, many years enjoying an awesome view of God's work!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Roof Framing Continues....
Looks like alot of progress was made today. The back porches are really taking shape. We are trying to decide where to put the attic access, how we want the front porch stairs, how we want the side stairs to many hard to come home and address all of these matters when my brain is tired from work. I hope I'm making the right choices?! Michael is so good about saying "whatever you want, dear"....but "dear's" head is spinning! In the end, it will be fabulous, so I will do the best decision making I can with the brain cells that are still functional each day!...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Window Oops!...
Well...Michael called me at work this morning to tell me that the house windows were delivered. They delivered bronze colored, aluminum, tempered glass windows.....oops!....Our windows are supposed to be white, vinyl, non-tempered on the truck they went! Hopefully, the correct windows will be here soon. Can't wait to see how they are going to look. In the meantime, roof framing continues as well as back porch and deck construction. I love the smell of newly cut wood!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Added Framing Crew....
The framers showed up today with extra "hands" to get the roof framing started. Looks like alot got done today with the extra help here. Also, more progress with the back decking/porches structures. Things are moving right along...can't wait to see the progress that tomorrow brings. It's like Christmas morning everyday I drive up from a long day at work....always a surprise and excitement!!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Front Porch...
The framers continued working on the front porch structure today. They also worked on the vaulted greatroom, and back deck and stairs area. We will have "ADA" friendly stairs, which means the risers of the stairs will be lower than usual. This will help all of our "older" friends and family be able to get up the stairs. Of course, it will help us out some day also! (Looking to the future......). Our front porch posts will have stone veneers around the bottom half of each post. The same stone will be used on the fireplace. The stone will also skirt the front and front sides of the house. They have temporary steps right now at the front porch. They will build permanent stairs later which will line up with the front door, the foyer, the greatroom, the back double french doors, and out to the back deck and stairs. It should be an awesome view as you walk into the house...clear to the lake!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Greatroom Vaulted Ceiling...
The framers started building the greatroom vaulted ceiling today. It is going to be so beautiful! I'm so excited to see how it finishes out. They also started working on the front porch framing and the back deck and porches posts. It's so hot out here right now...98 degrees. I don't know how they work in the heat..I did notice they brought in a huge fan to help cool things off a bit. Usually, there is a nice lake breeze blowing, but not today. Very still and very hot!
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