Friday, May 6, 2011

Can You Say ..."Siesta"?....

Wow....been a kinda frustrating day watching the progress....framers are still working hard getting the foundation wall ready, but boy,oh boy.....there are a couple of sub-contracted concrete guys out here that I would have surely "let go" if I were the boss!  They have been here for 10 hours and have worked maybe...???   As you can see, they took their "siesta" by the lake, have been on their cell phones quite a bit, and didn't bring any tools with them.  They are borrowing Michaels equipment...tractor, shovels...etc.  They are probably the same guys that left all of the "home-made" fishing gear by the lake a couple of days ago.   Guess they've been fishing, too ?  Oh well....I'm not their boss, so.......

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