Monday, July 18, 2011

Metal Roof Started...

The roofing guys worked all day Saturday on the metal roof.  They were back today and worked till 6pm.  I know that is very hot and difficult work...but it is looking so good.  They are doing a great job.  The bathroom tile guy was here today doing prep work in the bathrooms.  The framers were working on various things.   My clawfoot tub was delivered today!  Yea!  It is going to be so beautiful.  Our interior doors also arrived.  They look good, although they ordered the wrong door for our library/music room.   They were supposed to be double french doors (glass 15 lite), but we got a solid set of doors.  We will have to get that straight.  Another issue that has me pulling my hair out is the stone work today.   EEK...the first little bit they did last week looked really good.  They started at the top of the stone area and worked down.  That kept the horizonal plane line straight.  Well, today, they seemed to work from bottom to up...which really threw the horizonal line off.  It is wavy and angled and is driving me crazy!  Our house is on an sloping elevation so the horizonal stone line can't be started from the ground...It just won't end up right...and now the work they did today is literally "set in stone".  It is not an easy fix.  Sometimes, I think I'm being too picky, but I have an eye for detail and things like that just drive me batty!  We'll see how it turns out...I just don't want them to get too far with things being "off", when we could have said something earlier to "straighten things out"....oh the joys of building a house!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I’ve seen the exterior upshot of your home, and I can say that the metal roof was successfully installed. Have you repainted it yet? Doing so will keep your roof from rusting. Plus, it will definitely preserve its aesthetics. =]
